Posts Tagged 'NHS Transformation'

Are you up to the £10bn challenge?

With the treasury announcing that they will be seeking £10bn worth of savings from the NHS yesterday it means even tighter belts and completely different ways of delivering care. Are you up to the challenge?

The real challenge will be to identify the key strategic activities that will drive the biggest improvements rather than tackling isolated issues. It will mean working across organisations and across political boundaries between health and social care to ensure that care is delivered in the right setting by the right professional in the most cost effective manner. This will be difficult and will require a different way of working for many leaders and senior teams.

The start of this process is to link the strategic objectives of your organisation to the activities that will drive the improvement and then to engage your health and social care partners. This is the process of Transformation Mapping and something that will increasingly be of importance in the ‘new world’ of the NHS.

To find out more about transformation mapping, or simply just to bounce ideas off someone independent, contact Amnis on or visit

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